Welcome to Handbjerg Marina - A refreshing boost for body and soul

By Limfjorden, close to Venø Bugten, you will discover the beautiful oasis of Handbjerg Marina. Everywhere you look, the marina is surrounded by a vast landscape which facilitates several outdoor activities and social events. On land and at sea.

A True Gem

In recent years, there has been a rapid development in terms of facilities, activities, events, and much more. A true Hot-Spot for both active but also a retreat for those who love to walk along the water and enjoy a nice sunset. On a good summer weekend, we have the pleasure of over 2.500 guests at the Marina, and on an annual basis, we reach over 75.000 visitors.

Without a doubt, Handbjerg Marina is in the lead as one of Holstebro municipality's 3 beacons, and in 2018, a national 3rd place among the most recommended spots to visit in Denmark.

At our attractive “Bathing Island”, you will find one of the very best child-friendly sandy beaches by the Limfjorden.


There are always happy days at Handbjerg Marina. Stay up to date with all our events below.

Parking fees at Handbjerg Marina, why is that?

Handbjerg Marina er en privat Marina, hvilket betyder at vi ikke modtager nogen form for offentlige tilskud til den daglige drift. Alt arbejde med hensyn til vedligeholdelse, udvikling, planlægning, arrangementer og bestyrelsesposter udføres via frivillig arbejdskraft.

Udgifterne til almindelig vedligeholdelse er steget i takt med at vi oplever en øget stigning i besøgende på vores dejlige Marina. På en sommersæson kommer her mere end 100.000 besøgende. Herudover har vi et stort ønske om at udvide faciliteterne på Handbjerg Marina – til alles bedste og alles fornøjelse, hvilket vi også behøver mange ressourcer til – herunder også økonomisk relaterede.

So - therefore - thank you for your support paying your parking fee.

Gæster i Restaurant Pavillonen kan få udleveret en gratis P-billet.

OBS, der er mulighed for at parkere gratis ved hallen før du kommer til Marinaen.

Winterbathing - Guest ticket

Is there a winter bather hidden in you?
Buy a guest ticket for winter bathing at Vinterbaderne Handbjerg Marina. – Including access to the sauna.

Billetterne sælges for følgende tidsrum: 08.00 – 10.00 | 10.00 – 12.00 | 12.00 – 14.00 | 14.00 – 16.00 | 16.00 – 18.00 | 18.00 – 20.00 | 20.00 – 22.00 Hver gæstebillet er personlig og gælder kun i det tidsrum den er købt til.

Buy a ticket here.

Restaurant Pavillonen

-En saltvandsindsprøjtning af smagsoplevelser

Oplev moderne gastronomi med en unik udsigt midt i fjorden på Handbjerg Marina. Vores restaurant har plads til 175 gæster indendørs fordelt på to lokaler og 250 gæster til udendørs servering.

Vi skaber ideelle rammer for alle typer arrangementer og fester med vores udsøgte selskabsmenuer. Restauranten er åben fra påsken til og med efterårsferien og i udvalgte weekender i vinterhalvåret. Vi har altid åbent for selskaber, møder og kursus året rundt.

Nyd vores lækre og smagsfulde menuer, sammensat som en perfekt smagssymfoni af årstidens friske råvarer. Vores udvalg spænder fra Moules Frites til vores populære aftenstjerneskud og mange sæsonbuffeter, serveret på en restaureret pram midt i restauranten. Oplev disse naturskønne omgivelser lige midt i fjorden.

Vi prioriterer lokale råvarer, bæredygtighed og ansvarlighed i vores madlavning. Med fokus på hjemmelavede retter, genanvendelse af afskær for at begrænse madspild og brug af lokale råvarer stræber vi efter sund, inspirerende og ansvarligt produceret mad.

Sammen med GartnerHjælpen reducerer vi madspild ved at anvende skæve grøntsager, der ellers ville blive kasseret.

Vores fisk og skaldyr er MSC- og ASC-certificerede, hvilket sikrer bæredygtighed og skånsomt fiskeri. Alt vores fisk er friskfanget fra Limfjorden eller havet.

Cafe Isbåden

For den lette sult og lækre is anbefaler vi et besøg på Cafe Isbåden. Lad dig friste og nyd det på terrassen eller tagterrassen med udsigt over Venø Bugt og en smuk solnedgang

Vi ønsker jer hjertelig velkommen samt velbekomme

De varmeste hilsner

Pia, Mark & Malene

En stærk 3-kløver har forpagtningen af Restaurant Pavillonen og Cafe Isbåden på Handbjerg Marina.

Fra venstre Mark & Malene Harpøth, og Pia Hallengreen Pedersen.


Yachtsmen of different kinds of boats are enjoying our attractive marina.


You will find currently 200 berths at Handbjerg Marina. Welcome to either rent or purchase a berth.


The Slipway

It is possible for you to move your boat to and from the water. Either buy daily or annual passes. Once the boat is on waters, please, kindly clear the slipway of your car and trailer, thus making way for others.



You will find currently 200 berths at Handbjerg Marina. Welcome to either rent or purchase a berth.


The Slipway

It is possible for you to move your boat to and from the water. Either buy daily or annual passes. Once the boat is on waters, please, kindly clear the slipway of your car and trailer, thus making way for others.


Guest Yachtsmen

There is always room for you as a guest sailor at Handbjerg Marina. You will find the available places with green "FREE" signs.



You can refuel your boat at Handbjerg Marina with petrol or diesel. The single marina in the western part of Limfjorden that sells petrol.


Guest Yachtsmen

There is always room for you as a guest sailor at Handbjerg Marina. You will find the available places with green "FREE" signs.



You can refuel your boat at Handbjerg Marina with petrol or diesel. The single marina in the western part of Limfjorden that sells petrol.



At Handbjerg Marina we offer a variety of wonderful accomodations

Autocamper Handbjerg Marina


In the north western part of Handbjerg Marina you will find 20 camp sites. Close to bathing facilities and toilets. Emptying your waste is also possible nearby.

Boathouses Handbjerg Marina


If you dream of experiencing the Limfjord up close, give your excursion an extra boost with an overnight stay in a Boathouse. Book an overnight stay from home and look forward to going to bed in one of our floating cabins with a panoramic view and a cozy little terrace.

Shelter Handbjerg Marina


At the pier to the east, you find 2 shelters, each room for 6 persons. No booking. Just try your luck. We offer paid services of bathing- and toilet facilities.



At Handbjerg Marina, you will allways find something fun to do - whether you are young or old. Welcome to our Marina Shop.

Kayak, SUP, bicycles

Go to the Marina Equipment shop and rent sea kayaks, sit on kayaks, family kayaks and Stand-Up Paddle board(SUP). You can also rent bikes.


The Island Beach

The beach is situated east to the marina main building. Very well suited for suntanning, swimming and playing. The water is very shallow, therefore it is perfect for you to play and swim with your small children. Even so, we recommend that you wear bathing shoes, because of the clams at the bottom of the water and on some areas of the beach.


Kayak, SUP, bicycles

Go to the Marina Equipment shop and rent sea kayaks, sit on kayaks, family kayaks and Stand-Up Paddle board(SUP). You can also rent bikes. 


The Island Beach

The beach is situated east to the marina main building. Very well suited for suntanning, swimming and playing. The water is very shallow, therefore it is perfect for you to play and swim with your small children. Even so, we recommend that you wear bathing shoes, because of the clams at the bottom of the water and on some areas of the beach. 


The Marina Equipment shop

You can rent for example fishing nets, life jackets, boards, kayaks and bikes.

All the equipment is used at your own risk.


Kite surfing

Our spot has become increasingly popular among the surfers. At The Island Beach you will find perfect conditions of shallow waters and waves on the reef. Take a refreshing shower in our main building for a small price. 


The Marina Equipment shop

You can rent for example fishing nets, life jackets, boards, kayaks and bikes.

All the equipment is used at your own risk.


Kite surfing

Our spot has become increasingly popular among the surfers. At The Island Beach you will find perfect conditions of shallow waters and waves on the reef. Take a refreshing shower in our main building for a small price. 


Webcam & Weather station

Stay up to date and watch our web cam that will show you the weather conditions. The web cam shows where you are entering or leaving by boat.


Fællesskab og klubliv kendetegner også Handbjerg Marina. Der er helt sikkert en klubaktivitet til dig.

Winterbathing club

Limfjorden garanterer frisk, koldt vand og i klubben vil du med garanti opleve en hyggelig stemning i saunaen, kaffestuen og masser af smil og grin i det kolde vand. Hvis du ikke før har nydt det kolde gys i vandet, så meld dig ind i Handbjerg Vinterbadeklub.


Friendships at the Marina

Join us in this great team of members who enjoy allways good company, a good team spirit and last but not least are they making a great effort in making sure that the marina is up to date when it comes to new initiatives, acitivities and awesome events at the marina.


Winterbathing club

Limfjorden garanterer frisk, koldt vand og i klubben vil du med garanti opleve en hyggelig stemning i saunaen, kaffestuen og masser af smil og grin i det kolde vand. Hvis du ikke før har nydt det kolde gys i vandet, så meld dig ind i Handbjerg Vinterbadeklub.


Friendships at the Marina

Join us in this great team of members who enjoy allways good company, a good team spirit and last but not least are they making a great effort in making sure that the marina is up to date when it comes to new initiatives, acitivities and awesome events at the marina.


Handbjerg Yacht Club

Recently, Handbjerg Marina has startet a Yacht Club. The board of this club consists of local and passionate yachtsmen who are all striving to unite many sailing enthusiasts.


Handbjerg Yacht Club

Recently, Handbjerg Marina has startet a Yacht Club. The board of this club consists of local and passionate yachtsmen who are all striving to unite many sailing enthusiasts.


Sponsorer & Samarbejdspartnere

Uden sponsorer og samarbejdspartnere, ingen Handbjerg Marina. Vi er stolte over at have fantastiske sponsorer og samarbejdspartnere, som bakker op om vores havn – giv dem en thumbs up næste gang du møder dem, eller klik på logoet for at se mere.

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