Friendships at the Marina
If you are frequently visiting Handbjerg Marina, feel free to join our community "Friendships at the Marina"!
Join us in this great team of members who enjoy allways good company, a good team spirit and last but not least are they making a great effort in making sure that the marina is up to date when it comes to new initiatives, acitivities and awesome events at the marina.
When contributing, both financially and voluntarily our community make sure, that Handbjerg Marina allways stays a great environment for tourists, daily visitors and all members at the Marina.
Voluntary Assistance
You can assist in many different projects throughout the year:
- Pouring out beer/water in "The Beer Booth" in the high season and at live koncerts
- Assist in sales to customers in the Marine Shop and the Gear Bank
- Parking Attendant at busy days
- Emptying garbage cans
- And much more
As a voluntary assistant you know when to offer your help whenever you are able to. Naturally, you will get the necessary introductions, a polo-shirt designed for a voluntary assistant. At the end of the season we throw a big barbecue for all the people involved in any way in volunteering and making our marina a great place to visit.
Winterbathing club
Ingen marina uden en vinterbadeklub med sauna. Hvis du ikke før har nydt det kolde gys i vandet, så meld dig ind i Handbjerg Vinterbadeklub og bliv en del af hyggeligt samvær, sociale klubarrangementer og meget mere. Klubben henvender sig bredt til alle aldre og som enten bader med eller uden badetøj. Vi har rigtig gode faciliteter; Omklædningsrum med brus og wc, sauna, kaffestue og en bred og skridsikker trappenedgang som ikke er stejl. Limfjorden garanterer frisk, koldt vand og i klubben vil du med garanti opleve en hyggelig stemning i saunaen, kaffestuen og masser af smil og grin i det kolde vand..
Kan det virkelig være dejligt at udsætte sig selv for skræk og kulde? Svaret er overraskende ja! Flere og flere hopper i bølgen blå for at give sig selv et kuldechok og der er faktisk mange gode grunde til at hoppe i det kolde vand. Det er nemlig både opkvikkende og sundt for kroppen at få denne form for forskrækkelse!
Københavns Universitet har undersøgt, hvilken påvirkning vinterbadning har på kroppen. Og hvorfor vinterbadning er sundt? Undersøgelserne viste nemlig, at vinterbadning var godt for både krop og sjæl.
Allerede inden kroppen rammer vandet, begynder den at gøre sig klar til det kolde gys. Adrenalinniveauet stiger, og der bliver skudt en masse hvide blodlegemer ud i blodbanerne. I det kroppen kommer under vandet, så nedkøles kroppen ekstremt hurtigt, hvilket sætter gang i kroppens forsvar. Det kolde vand aktiverer immunsystemet samtidig med, at adrenalinniveauet stiger. Kuldechokket udløser en blanding af endorfiner og adrenalin, som stresser kroppen, men samtidig efterlader blandingen en lykkefølelse. Flere vinterbadere oplever, at de ligefrem føler sig helt ’høje’ af disse endorfiner, der bliver skudt ud i kroppen efter en tur i bølgerne.
Handbjerg Yacht Club
Recently, Handbjerg Marina has startet a Yacht Club. The board of this club consists of local and passionate yachtsmen who are all striving to unite many sailing enthusiasts.
We have high hopes and great expectations about this club. Having clubmembers who are enjoying the community, sharing your passion amongst peers, meet other yachtsmen to go sailing with, learn and teach others to sail etc. The content of the different activities is of course dependent of what our clubmembers expect and wish for.
At Handbjerg Yacht Club all kinds of yachtsmen are welcome. Whether you are a novice or experienced, whether you are sailing in a small or larger boat, that is not our focus. Just be passionate for sailing and show solidarity, no matter what level or qualifications you may have.
As a member, you will receive information through both Facebook and E-mail.
Since this club just recently is taking form, we welcome all suggestions that you might have regarding sailing acitivities, voluntary tasks, ideas etc.
We encourage all our members at Handbjerg Yacht Club to show good spirit, bringing new ideas to the table, show initiative, assist in voluntary tasks in order to improve this club.